Through my exploration of spiritual concepts in art and culture, I have come to work with the mystical feminine archetype as my guide in art-making. My paintings utilize both figurative and abstract modalities as an integral part of exploring this concept. The figurative being a more decorative, physical representation of the idea, while the abstract lives in a sensual, spiritual place.

My art explores the mystical subliminal space, reclaiming sensuality, intuition, and beauty as a source of power and a connection to the divine. What started as a calling and fascination with the nearly erased pagan past of my home country, Russia, and interest in transcendental and nature-centric imagery has evolved into more in-depth research concerning cultural interpretations of the feminine force. I’m interested in creating a place of transcendence and reverence through appreciation of beauty.


Select Group Exhibitions

2024 “the Feminine Divine,” FORMah, NY

2022 “XYZ,” HxS, Brooklyn, NY

2021 the Other Art Fair, Brooklyn, NY

2021 “Rebirth,” Mazlish Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2021 “Lumiere,” Art Fluent, Online

2021 “Talismans,” Monica King Projects, Online

2018                            “My Neighbor Hayao,” Spoke Art, Honolulu, HI

2015                            “Perceptual Shift,” Image Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2013                            “Fauna,” Arch Enemy Arts, Philadelphia, PA

2012                            “End of Days,” Sacred Gallery, Manhattan, NY

2008                            “GHP Graduation show,” Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

On Site Installations

2019 “the Portal,” Elements Lakewood, Lakewood, PA

2018 “the Palace,” Elements Lakewood, Lakewood, PA

2011 “Wishing Tree,” Dodecapus, Atlanta, GA



2009                            “Visual art distinction Scholarship” Piedmont College, GA

2008                            “Government Honors Program” Valdosta State University, GA


2024                           create! - Announcing The Feminine Divine Group Exhibition at The FORMah in NYC

2019                           Juxtapoz - Spoke Art Brings The "My Neighbor Hayao Art Show" to Honolulu For POW! WOW!

2013                           Hi Fructose - Preview: “Fauna” at Arch Enemy Arts